Date: August 17, 2007 Release Tag: flash_detect_rel_1-0-2 -Switch to Singleton pattern, removal of contructor option params to overwrite activeX detect -Added comments where split calls in the future to be replaced with regex -Replaced instance library variable _release to class property release -Removed commented version line for .6 check for Win IE -Renamed constructor to follow same name as parent closure -Added space in parseInt argument call for code format consistency -Changed scope of _release variable to pulbic to facilitate library version isolation in the future -YUI namespaced version -Addition of JSMin version -Full license removed from source, now an external url reference -JSLint see Date: April 3, 2007 Release Tag: flash_detect_rel_1-0-1 Notes: -Variable overused for activeX version detection -License invalid character replaced Date: March 17, 2007 Release Tag: flash_detect_rel_1-0-0 Notes: -Initial release